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early orthodontic benefits

The Benefits Of Early Orthodontics: Why You Should Get Your Child Treated Now

How early should you take your child for orthodontic treatment? This is a question that many parents ask, especially if their child shows signs of overcrowding or misalignment. The answer is simple: the earlier, the better. Early orthodontic treatment is becoming increasingly popular among parents who want to ensure their children have healthy and properly aligned teeth—not just now, but in years to come. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of early orthodontics and why it’s worth getting your child treated now.

What is Early Orthodontics?

Early orthodontics is the treatment of choice for many children with minor dental problems. Early treatment can intercept and prevent more serious problems from developing and may improve the child’s appearance and self-esteem. Early orthodontic treatment is usually initiated between the ages of six and ten years when the first permanent molars and incisors have erupted. However, early evaluation by an orthodontist is recommended even earlier, around age seven or eight. This will allow the specialist to assess whether your child will benefit from early intervention. Early treatment may be appropriate if your child has any of the following conditions:
  • severe crowding of teeth that is expected to worsen without treatment;
  • protruding teeth that are at risk for injury;
  • difficulty chewing or biting due to misaligned teeth;
  • speech impairments caused by the positioning of the teeth; or,
  • a family history of untreated dental problems.

The Benefits of Early Orthodontics

There are many benefits to early orthodontic treatment. The most obvious benefit is that it can improve the appearance of your child’s teeth. But there are other, more important benefits as well. Early treatment can:
  • Prevent more serious problems from developing
  • Preserve space for incoming teeth
  • Guide eruption of teeth into the proper position
  • Reduce the need for future dental procedures
  • Simplify future orthodontic treatment

When is the Best Time to Get Early Orthodontic Treatment?

The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends that every child should have an orthodontic evaluation by the age of seven. While it is true that many problems can be more easily corrected when treatment is started early, there are some cases where early treatment may not be the best option. In general, the earlier we can begin correcting a problem, the better. This is because a child’s bones are more soft and pliable at a young age, making it easier to make changes. Additionally, early treatment may prevent more serious problems from developing later on. If your child’s teeth are healthy and they are not experiencing any problems with their bite, then there is no need to rush into treatment. However, if your child has any of the following conditions, you should consider taking them to see an orthodontist sooner rather than later: -Overcrowding: When there is not enough room for all of the teeth in the mouth, they will begin to crowd each other. This can cause difficulty cleaning the teeth properly, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. -Protruding teeth: If the front teeth stick out too far, this can increase the risk of them being chipped or knocked out during play. It can also cause social embarrassment for children who are self-conscious about their appearance. -Misaligned jaw: When the upper and lower jaws do

How Much Does Early Orthodontic Treatment Cost?

The average cost of early orthodontic treatment is around $3,000. This may seem like a lot of money, but it is worth it when you consider the benefits that early treatment can provide. Not only will your child’s teeth be aligned correctly, but they will also be less likely to experience problems with their bite in the future. In addition, early treatment can often shorten the overall length of time that your child will need to wear braces.


Early orthodontic treatment is a great way to ensure that your child’s teeth are properly aligned and healthy for life. With the help of an experienced orthodontist, you can ensure that your child’s smile is beautiful and functional. Not only will they have straighter teeth, but they may also benefit from improved oral health and more confidence in their appearance. Early orthodontic treatment can be a great investment in your child’s future success so don’t hesitate – speak to an experienced professional today about getting started with early orthodontics!  


  1. What are the benefits of early orthodontics?
Early orthodontic treatment can provide a number of benefits for your child. By correcting dental problems at an early age, your child can avoid more serious dental issues in the future. Early treatment can also improve your child’s appearance and self-esteem.
  1. When is the best time to get my child treated?
The best time to bring your child in for treatment depends on the severity of their dental problems. In general, however, earlier is better. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children be seen by an orthodontist around age seven.
  1. How much does early orthodontic treatment cost?
The cost of early orthodontic treatment varies depending on the severity of your child’s dental problems and the type of treatment they need. However, you may be able to save money in the long run by getting your child treated at an early age.   .

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