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Common Invisalign Mistakes to Avoid for New Users

If you’re considering Invisalign, there are a few common mistakes you’ll want to avoid. Here’s what you need to know to get the best results from your treatment.

Not wearing your aligners for the recommended 22 hours per day

Not wearing your aligners for the recommended 22 hours per day may sound like no big deal, but there is a lot more to consider than simply not having them in. When you don’t wear your aligners as instructed, your treatment will not be as effective and can potentially cause teeth to shift back into their original positions. Additionally, if you don’t keep up with wearing them, you may find yourself needing to restart your entire process all over again – wasting time and money. To ensure that your teeth alignment journey is completed successfully and in the shortest amount of time possible, it’s important to make sure you’re following doctor’s orders and consistently wearing your aligners for at least 22 hours each day.

Not cleaning your aligners properly

Wearing aligners is a great method for straightening your teeth, but it’s important to ensure you take proper care of them. If they’re not cleaned regularly and properly, bacteria can build up on the surface of the aligner and cause gum irritation, bad breath, or even plaque. Even worse, bacteria can get into small crevices that are hard to reach when brushing the aligner. To properly clean your aligners, you should use a solution specifically designed for orthodontic appliances like clear retainers or braces. You should also brush your aligners regularly with either a soft toothbrush and water or toothpaste. Follow these tips to help keep your aligners looking brand new!

Eating with your aligners in

While it is technically possible to eat with aligners, it is generally not a good idea. Eating can cause your aligners to become disfigured and no longer fit properly in the mouth, meaning treatment may take longer or even require replacement trays. This can have a huge impact on your overall timeline and cost. When eating while wearing aligners, always remove them first and ensure they are cleaned and stored properly. This way you can reduce damage to your braces and get the most out of your orthodontic experience.

Forgetting to brush and floss after taking out your aligners

Taking out your aligners for mealtime, sports, and hygiene maintenance is important for the success of your orthodontic treatment. Just like you need to brush and floss after eating with traditional braces, it’s just as important to do so when using Invisalign. Not brushing and flossing can lead to plaque buildup and tooth decay which can damage not only your teeth but also your aligner trays. Make sure to brush and floss whenever you remove aligners throughout the day in order to take full advantage of all the benefits aligned teeth have to offer, including a healthier mouth and an improved quality of life.

Losing or misplacing your aligners

It’s easy to misplace or lose your aligners. Whether it be when changing them out, heading out for a meal, or at the gym, it’s something that can happen from time to time. Keeping track of them is incredibly important though, not just for the duration of your treatment but for yourself as well. Without your aligners, you will miss certain days in your treatment program and cause irreversible damage to the desired outcome that you’ve been striving towards. With their slim design and size, they just don’t contain big magnets like shoes you can easily locate! So make sure to always keep them near where you change them out so they are easier to spot if they go missing and try not to forget when swapping them over.

Not attending all of your scheduled Invisalign appointments

Missing Invisalign appointments can have severe consequences on your progress toward achieving the desired results. Since braces need to be adjusted periodically and you will receive new aligners every few weeks, it is essential that all appointments are attended in order to ensure your smile is getting straighter and better with every passing day. If you miss more than one appointment during the whole duration of treatment, then it could delay the process significantly, thus leading to complications. Your Brunswick Orthodontist may even need to change your individualized treatment plan due to missing appointments, which would be an extra cost for you as well as a longer wait to get the desired outcome. Make sure that attend all your Invisalign appointments so you can get one step closer to having a perfect smile. Not taking proper care of your Invisalign aligners can result in a number of problems. These include extending the length of treatment, having to pay for additional appointments, and experiencing pain or discomfort. Be sure to brush and floss after meals, clean your aligners regularly, and wear them for at least 22 hours per day to avoid these issues. Have you experienced any of these problems with Invisalign?
