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How To Take Care Of Your Invisalign Aligner?

You have finally taken the big step and decided to begin treatment with Invisalign clear aligners! Although Invisalign is a low-maintenance orthodontic option, there are still a few things you need to do in order to take care of your aligner and ensure optimal results. Keep reading for our top tips on how to take care of your Invisalign aligner!

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that uses clear aligners to straighten teeth

Invisalign is a revolutionary innovation in orthodontic treatment, designed to help you achieve the perfect smile. This modern alternative to traditional braces utilizes custom-made clear aligners equipped with SmartForce® technology which gently shifts your teeth into the desired position without pain or hassle. As no wires or bands are involved, they can also be removed while eating and when necessary so you can continue living life as usual. With Invisalign, achieving a straight beautiful smile couldn’t have been easier!

Aligners must be worn for at least 22 hours per day and should be removed only to eat, drink, brush, and floss

Aligners are a great orthodontic solution for many, allowing for straight teeth without the need for metal braces, as well as being easily removable for convenience. For aligners to be effective, however, they must be worn for at least 22 hours per day and should only be removed to eat, drink, brush and floss. This is where discipline and commitment can come in; it’s important to stick to this routine every day to maximize the results achieved with aligners. Not following these instructions could delay the process or even cause it to fail altogether. Following this simple but essential advice will ensure you get the smile you’ve always wanted in no time!

When not in use, aligners should be stored in their case

An ideal way to store your aligners is in the special case it was given with. This maintains the hygiene of your aligners as well as prevents them from getting dents or scratches that may affect how efficient they are at carrying out their job. Plus, it’s great for the on-the-go so that you can keep up with your brushing and flossing routine even when you are away from home – a must to enjoy optimal results! So remember, always store your aligners in their case when not in use to make sure you’re taking proper care of them.

To clean aligners, use a soft toothbrush and clear soap; do not use hot water as it can distort the shape of the aligner

To ensure your aligners last as long as possible and keep them clean and free from plaque, it is important to clean your aligners daily. The best choice for cleaning is a soft toothbrush used with clear soap and cool water. Beware not to use hot or warm water as this can warp the shape of the aligner, potentially impeding its effectiveness. This process should only take a few minutes out of your day, significantly enhancing both the comfort and hygiene of your aligners – so don’t forget!

Avoid eating hard or sticky foods while wearing aligners

Wearing aligners is a great way to straighten your teeth, but it’s important to take extra care of your oral hygiene while the aligners are in use. One of the most important things to keep in mind is that you should avoid hard or sticky foods while wearing your aligners. Biting into food that’s hard can damage the aligners as well as cause them to lose their shape, making them less effective at straightening your teeth. Sticky foods, like candy and some fruits, can get stuck between the aligners and your teeth which not only makes it difficult to floss and brush properly but can also cause bacteria buildup which could lead to further dental issues down the road. It’s always best when wearing aligners to stick with softer foods and consider cutting up harder items like apples or carrots before eating.

Schedule regular check-ups with your orthodontist to ensure treatment is progressing as planned

Regular check-ups with your orthodontist are an essential part of your treatment plan. They allow your orthodontist to assess the progress of the treatment and identify problems early on. During each visit, your orthodontist will inspect how your teeth and gums are faring and perhaps take X-rays to evaluate hidden areas of the jawbone or roots that can’t be seen visibly. In addition, both you and your orthodontist should discuss any changes in your bite pattern, speech issues or discomfort from wearing braces or appliances so those can be addressed in a timely manner. Taking the time for regular check-ups is not only vital for a successful outcome but also helps maintain good oral hygiene for life. There you have it! You are now an expert on how to care for your Invisalign aligners. Remember to brush and floss regularly, avoid hard or sticky foods, and clean your aligners with a soft toothbrush and clear soap. If you have any questions about your treatment, be sure to schedule a check-up with your orthodontist.
