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What Dental Issues Does Invisalign Fix

What Dental Issues Does Invisalign Fix?

Invisalign is a revolutionary orthodontic treatment option that can correct many of the most common dental issues. This clear aligner technology uses removable, custom-made trays to gradually reshape your teeth and achieve the desired result. In this article we will look at what dental issues Invisalign fixes and how it works.

Dental Issues Covered By Invisalign

Invisalign can address a variety of dental problems from minor crowding or spacing between teeth to more complex bite issues such as overbites, underbites, open bites, and cross bites. The process begins with a consultation with an orthodontist who takes impressions of the patient’s teeth and creates a series of customized trays to fit the patient’s dental needs.

Crowding or Spacing

Invisalign can help patients with crowding, which is when there are too many teeth in the mouth for them to fit comfortably. It can also address spacing problems, which occur when the natural gaps between teeth become larger than normal. Invisalign can help close these gaps by gently pushing the teeth into their desired positions over time.

Overbites, Underbites, Open Bites and Cross Bites

In cases of overbites (when the upper front teeth cover the lower ones), underbites (the opposite of an overbite where the lower teeth extend beyond the upper ones), open bites (when some of the front teeth do not touch when biting down) and crossbites (when one or more teeth are misaligned due to vertical shifts of one dental arch in comparison to the other), Invisalign can help move the teeth into their desired positions.

Jaw Pain, Headaches, and Speech Problems

In addition to fixing cosmetic issues, Invisalign can also help those who suffer from jaw pain, headaches, or speech problems caused by a bad bite. By correcting the alignment of the teeth with custom-made trays, Invisalign can reduce these symptoms and offer much-needed relief.

Aging Smiles

As we age, our teeth can shift and become misaligned. Invisalign can help restore a youthful smile by gently pushing the teeth into their desired positions over time.

Alignment of Teeth

Invisalign allows for more precise alignment of the teeth than traditional braces would allow. It also corrects misalignment issues faster as it does not require any wires or brackets that need to be adjusted every month, which makes for a much quicker treatment process.


Invisalign is an ideal solution for many common dental issues such as crowding or spacing between teeth, overbites, underbites, open bites and cross bites, jaw pain, headaches and speech problems caused by bad bites, and aging smiles. The custom-made trays allow for more precise alignment of the teeth than traditional braces would, while also reducing treatment time.


1. How long does Invisalign take to work?
Invisalign typically takes about 12 months to achieve results, though this can vary depending on the complexity of your case and how well you follow instructions from your orthodontist.
2. Is Invisalign expensive?
The cost of Invisalign varies depending on the severity of your condition and other factors. On average it is comparable to traditional braces in terms of price but may be slightly higher due to the customization involved in designing the aligners.
3. Can Invisalign fix severely misaligned teeth?
Yes, Invisalign can be used to address a variety of dental issues from minor crowding or spacing between teeth to more complex bite issues such as overbites, underbites, open bites, and cross bites. However, the severity of your condition will determine how much time it takes to achieve results.

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